November 2012: Antipode; AAArrghh

The good folks at Antipode have just made available a dialogue on “new academics in the neoliberal university” on their blog/website. I was a member of the SIGJ2 Writing Collective that wrote the first intervention and then the response to Culum Canally. Not to be biased, but I think it’s a productive discussion, and not at cross-purposes – it’s also wide open for much more debate. Comments are open; please join in.

It’s cold and drizzly out, and I’m swimming in the middle of a *lot* of teaching and grading. This could only mean one thing: it’s time for the AAA meetings. Heading off to SF next Wednesday, very excited about the topic of our panel on “Border Architectures”. Playing around with some new-old ideas on performance, fixed capital, and assemblages, but I have no solid idea where I’m headed yet. Hoping there will be people there to treat the panel more like a workshop than one of those traditional read-your-paper-then-leave kind of situations. Fingers crossed. For now, back to grading methods papers.

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